Tims Dairy makes Acorro the natural choice for its new Head Office
Yogurt manufacturer Tims Diary has recently moved to a new Corporate Head Office in Little Chalfont were it will conduct sales and administration for its fast growing diary production.
Tims Dairy is a manufacturer of high quality live fresh cultured natural dairy products using fresh milk and cream, making a wide range of yogurts in the Tim’s Dairy brand as well as for private label customers.
Supplying major retailers, food service outlets, food manufacturers, distributors and independents all over theUK, Tim’s is one of the largest Dairy’s in the South East of England.
Acorro were chosen to provide the Structured Cabling throughout the new offices including a complete new IP Telephone System.
Acorro recommended Category 5e Ethernet cabling be installed throughout to enable
Tim’s to take advantage of higher speeds and flexibility. The telephone system Acorro commissioned was an IP system. A Power over Ethernet switch was provided converging both Voice and Data. This will in future allow the Head office to make free calls between their sites using voice over IP (VoIP) across a dedicated link.
The project involved working alongside a major building contractor and this required a high degree of project management and expertise provided by Acorro. Existing equipment was also migrated to the new offices into a larger capacity wiring cabinet at the head office

Project Name

Our expertise in both Voice and Data technologies assisted Tim’s to make a smooth transition to their new Corporate Headquarters.
Their new converged technology infrastructure forms the platform for their future growth. We are proud to have worked with Tim’s Dairy to help make this project a great success
Ele Nicolaou

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