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Fitzjohns Primary School cloud telephony makes a difference



Project Name


Working closely with Acorro, an initial audit identified the phone lines we didn’t actually need, which meant we were able to start saving money immediately.


With no complicated equipment to maintain and no upfront capital expenditure. Cloud Telephony  has really helped us to reduce our long-term telecoms spend.


Staff find the system very easy to use and it provides a much more professional image to parents wishing to contact us. We are delighted with the results


Frank Swan, Business Manager Fitzjohn’s Primary School


Fitzjohn’s had been struggling for many years with an outdated BT Nortel Meridian product and issues such as the basic

transfer of incoming calls and being able to contact classrooms in an emergency were difficult.


Messages were being left on a normal answering machine and parents were having difficulty in calling in at busy periods,

mainly due to the old system’s lack of features and functionality and a lack of incoming telephone lines.


For those lines that did exist, legacy line rental and call charges from BT were not easily understood and were expensive.


This led to the office team finding itself under extreme pressure because messages had to be delivered manually around

the school campus, with no facility to contact staff in classrooms in an emergency.


Aside from resolving Fitzjohn’s immediate communications issues, one of the objectives was to trial a hosted telephony

solution, which, if successful, would be offered as an option to other schools and educational institutions, throughout the

borough. Acorro proposed Gamma’s Horizon hosted telephone service.


An initial audit of the school located and documented all existing telephone lines and numbers, revealing legacy lines that

were being paid for but not required, hence making a real saving by ceasing them.


Once agreed, the existing telephone lines and numbers were then transferred to the Acorro billing wholesale platform

which is provided in conjunction with Rainbow Group. Being on the


Acorro billing platform meant that once the Horizon

telephone service was ready to go live, it would be instantaneous to transfer the numbers. This number transfer was carried out with no disruption to the school.

The pains

The Solution

Read Full Case study here

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